Bid Notice for Independent Auditing Services

Nicola Shipman

The Town of Sharon, Vermont invites qualified firms of independent Certified Accountants, licensed to practice in Vermont, to submit proposals to conduct annual audits of finance accounts and records for

Sharon RFP Audit fy21-23

Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

…major fund, the aggregate remaining fund information and budgetary comparisons, exclusive of the Sharon School District. The Town of Sharon’s General and Highway Operating Funds have a combined annual budget…

RFP_Sidewalk Plow Sand 2018-2020


…category VII or greater. [] Commercial General Liability Insurance including but not limited to Bodily Injury, Personal and Advertising Injury, Broad Form Property Damage, Products and Completed Operations Liability and

RFP_TH43 TH26 Plow Sand 2018-2019


…of this contract. This insurance shall be obtained from an insurer having an A.M. Best Insurance Rating of at least A-, financial size category VII or greater. [] Commercial General…



…2017 at Sharon Town Offices, 69 VT RTE 132 for construction of the project hereinafter described. Bid opening will occur immediately after the bid submittal deadline. The time of receiving…


Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

SHARON SELECTBOARD REGULAR MEETING Monday, July 6, 2020 Minutes (DRAFT) This meeting was held in compliance With the Vermont Open Meeting Law with electronic participation. Attendance confirmed via roll call:…


Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

SHARON SELECTBOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES (DRAFT) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 This meeting was held in compliance With the Vermont Open Meeting Law with electronic participation. Selectboard Members Attending via Zoom:…


Ryan Haac Leave a Comment

…in compliance with the Vermont Open Meeting Law for electronic participation. Energy Committee members attending: Dee Gish, Ryan Haac, Jill Wilcox. Ryan called the meeting together at 17:26 (5:26 PM)….


Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

SHARON SELECTBOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Draft MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2020 This meeting was be held in compliance With the Vermont Open Meeting Law with electronic participation. Attending via Zoom: Selectboard…