
Kyle Rogstad Leave a Comment

…Sharon Conservation Commission, Planning Commission, Alliance for Vermont Communities (“AVC”), and Selectmen discussed the progress of AVC’s planning efforts to bring the vision for a new community forest to fruition….


Kyle Rogstad Leave a Comment

…Rescue towards purchase of a new ambulance. She indicated that Royalton has set-aside $10,000 towards this purchase. Selectmen agreed to put the question to the voters in the form of…


Kyle Rogstad Leave a Comment

…public: none Joe Ronan called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Public Comments: There were no public comments. Review/Approve Agenda: Mary Gavin made the motion to approve the agenda without…


Kyle Rogstad Leave a Comment

…public: none Joe Ronan called the special meeting to order at 6:30PM. Public Comments: There were no public comments. Review/Approve Agenda: Kevin Gish made the motion to approve the agenda…


Kyle Rogstad Leave a Comment

…& Approve Warrants – as needed 3. Public Comments New Business: Action as Necessary 4. 6:10PM Rikert Property: Consideration of Acceptance as Conserved Property 5. Approval of Liquor License Applications:…


Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

…(Selectboard Assistant) Public Attending: None Chair Joe Ronan convened the meeting at 6:00PM as warned. Public Comments: There were no public comments Review/Approve Agenda: Motion by Mary Gavin to approve…


Kyle Rogstad Leave a Comment

…Officers 4. Adoption of regular meeting schedule Regular Business: 5. Public Comments 6. Review/Approve Agenda 7. Selectboard Member reports 8. Review & Approve Minutes: Feb. 24 & Feb. 27, 2020…

Ag 031620_regular_Final Rev

Mike Leave a Comment

SHARON SELECTBOARD REGULAR MEETING Monday, March 16, 2020 6:30PM Sharon Town Offices, 69 Rte. 132 AGENDA (Revised)* Regular Business: 1. Review/Approve Agenda 2. Public Comments 3. Review & Approve Minutes:…