Conservation Commission

Point of Contact:

Scott Chesnut
Office Hours:

By Appointment

Currently Serving

Scott Chesnut, Luis Bango, Dan Deneen, Donna Foster, Dick Ruben, Sam Brakeley, Erik Skarsten and Mike Zwikelmaier

About the Conservation Commission

Vermont established legislation (24 V.S.A. Chapter 118) allowing towns to set up conservation commissions. Sharon’s Conservation Commission started in 1989, with the goal of establishing community responsibility and stewardship for its natural resources. Some of the duties may include the following: making an inventory and conducting studies of the town’s natural resources and enhancing public awareness of scenic and recreational resources.

Regular meetings have customarily been held the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:00pm. at the Sharon Town Offices, 15 School Street.  For more information please contact:

Sharon Conservation Commission projects (past and present) have included:

  1. Statewide and local Sharon Green-up Events
  2. Downer Forest Ski Trails
  3. White River Access site
  4. Town Forest (Ministers Lot) Plan
  5. Development and maintenance of the Rikert Veterans Memorial Trail
  6. Various Plantings and events at the Sharon Elementary School
  7. Participating with the White River Partnership and Linking Lands Alliance
  8. Establishment of the Conservation Fund to conserve land and waters or natural areas for use pursuant to 10 V.S.A. chapter 155
  9. Received various mini grants for conservation projects
  10. Evaluating wildlife corridors within the town
  11. Working with UVLT monitoring conservation easements in town

Members are appointed by the Sharon Selectboard (3-9 members are permitted by the Vermont statutes).

John Sears Memorial

Click here to learn more about the John Sears Memorial Winter Trails and the Outlook bench dedicated to John Sears, a “community citizen and neighbor to all”.