Sharon Historical Society
The Sharon Historical Society is a 501(c)3 housed in the Old Town Hall adjacent to the Sharon Congregational Church.
The Historical Society offers numerous informative presentations throughout the summer as well as participating in town events such as Old Home Days and regional fairs like the White River Historical Fair.
The Sharon Historical Society is located at 24 VT-132, Sharon, VT 05065 in Sharon, VT.
For more information about the activities and collections of the Historical Society, contact Mary Ayer, (802) 763-8549, President, c/o Sharon Historical Society, 1315 Beaver Meadow Road, Sharon, VT 05065.
The Sharon Historical Society is on Facebook. Click here for details!
Historical Society
President..................................... Mary Ayer
Vice President......................... Dave Phillips
Treasurer...................................... Martha Fisk
Co-Curators............................... Phyllis Potter, Kelly Clark
Directors...................................... Gene Paige, Helen Barrett
Secretary...................................... Sue Sellew
Old Town Hall Renovation Projects
The Town of Sharon’s Old Town Hall, a single-story brick building built in 1830, is a cornerstone of our Town’s history and has been the home of the Sharon Historical Society’s Museum collection since 1990. Unfortunately, during a conditions assessment provided by Jan Lewandowski of Restoration and Traditional Building, we learned that while the “the interior of the Old Town Hall is in good, original or early, condition”, the floor and the floor framing “are failing along both gables”.
The Old Town Hall is now closed until we can repair the structural damage.
Together with the Town and with the support of the Preservation Trust of Vermont, the Sharon Historical Society has been working to secure funding for capital improvements to the building.