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Town Meeting Warning May 8 2021
Town Meeting Warning 2021_SIGNED
Town Highways Now Posted for Mud Season
For authorized weight limits during mud season please check here VTRANS Rule 118-4 for 2021
Dog Licenses Due on or before April 1st!
2021 Dog license information: Dog license forms, fees, and accompanying information should be submitted by mail to Sharon Town Clerk, P.O. Box 250, Sharon, VT 05065 or hand-delivered to the mail slot in the rear entry door at the Town Offices. This mailbox will be checked daily. Before obtaining a license, a copy of a current rabies vaccination certificate must …
Overweight Permits Being Renewed Now for 2021-2022
To Download a 2021-2022 permit scroll to bottom of HOME PAGE to perform a document search. Search on “Permits” and the overweight permit form PDF will appear for download. Or click here:Sharon_ExcessWeightPermit_thruMar2021
Town Meeting 2021 Open Town Officer Positions
For this year only the procedure for getting your name on the ballot for a Town Officer position will be different. No nominating petitions are required, due to COVID19 concerns. ONLY a candidate CONSENT FORM needs to be submitted to the Town Clerk by January 25. These forms can be obtained from Debra St. Peter, Town Clerk. Please call her …
Planning Commission Town Plan Surveys Coming to You!
The Planning Commission’s survey related to Town Plan revisions is in the mail! The SPC very much looks forward to your responses via mail (in the pre-stamped return envelope) or online as directed. Your participation in this survey will help identify the community priorities to be reflected in this visionary document. The Town Plan affects future development within our town …
Sharon has newly-appointed Health Officer and Deputy Health Officer
Effective December 1, 2020 Alex Bird will assume the role of Health Officer for the Town of Sharon. At that point Acting HO Joe Ronan will step into the role of Deputy Health Officer. Contact information for both: HEALTH OFFICER: Alex Bird, Inn at Idlewood, 54 Steele Road; 802-763-5236; (mobile) 603-277-0422 DEPUTY HEALTH OFFICER: Joe Ronan, Chair Selectboard, 989 Beaver …
TIPS FOR VOTING for Elections Nov 3
To Our Sharon Neighbors, Tuesday Nov 3 is Election Day! We hope everyone will cast a vote in the election. Here are TIPS to assist you with voting: MAIL-IN VOTING: You should get your voted ballot into the mail by October 24, 2020. After October 24th you may deposit your voted ballot in the BALLOT DROP BOX outside the Town …
Selectboard Meeting Schedule
Beginning September 15, 2020 the Selectboard will meet the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Mondays at 6:30PM. The Board currently uses Zoom as the electronic platform for its remote meetings. Agendas are posted to the website 3 days in advance of a meeting, or as available. Hard copies are physically posted at Midway Station, Sharon P.O., Sharon Trading Post, and the …