

…recognizing the abutter’s concern for potential overshadowing of his well by a future septic design, subject to the requirement that the applicant amend the plat to reflect the “Notice of…

Exterior Painting – Town-Owned Buildings

Nicola Shipman

…via download RFP and BID FORM HERE or are available upon request. Paper and email bids will be accepted. No faxed bids please. The Selectboard reserves the right to reject…

Hearing Notice – August 9th

Nicola Shipman

Town of Sharon, VT Public Hearing Notice Sharon Planning Commission   The Sharon Planning Commission will convene a public hearing commencing at 7:00PM Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 to hear comments…

Planning Commission Hearing – August 9th

Nicola Shipman

Town of Sharon, VT Public Hearing Notice Sharon Planning Commission   The Sharon Planning Commission will convene a public hearing commencing at 7:00PM Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 to hear comments…

Planning Commission Public Hearing Notice

Nicola Shipman

Town of Sharon, VT Public Hearing Notice Sharon Planning Commission The Sharon Planning Commission will convene public hearings at 7:00PM Tuesday, April 11, 2023 to hear comments from interested parties…

2023 Crack Sealing

Nicola Shipman

The Town of Sharon, VT is soliciting bids for crack sealing with a maximum payment of $12,000 for work to be completed by June 30, 2023. Proposals are due May…

Public Hearing – 7:00PM Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Nicola Shipman

…9971 9568 # followed by Passcode 110838. The May 9, 2023 SPC agenda and direct link to zoom meeting will be available for download from https://sharonvt.net home page under “upcoming…