
Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

…consistent with the VT Agency of Commerce & Community Development’s recent determination that ‘essential work’ is ‘doing repairs to roadway infrastructure necessary to ensure the imminent safety of motorists’. This…


Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

SHARON SELECTBOARD SPECIAL MEETING (2) Tuesday, May 26, 2020 Minutes (DRAFT) The meeting was held via teleconference and pursuant to Open Meeting Law amendments in place for COVID 19. Attendance…


Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

…in compliance with the Vermont Open Meeting Law for electronic participation. Energy Committee members attending: Dee Gish, Ryan Haac, and Jill Wilcox Ryan called the meeting together at 17:03 (5:03…


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Agenda by T. Ryan Haac, 2020-06-25 Sharon Energy Committee Meeting Monday, June 29th, 2020 @ 05:00 PM Remote Access Meeting 2020-06-29 17:00 This meeting will be held in compliance With…


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SHARON SELECTBOARD SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, June 30, 2020 MINUTES (Final) This meeting was held in compliance With the Vermont Open Meeting Law with electronic participation. Attendance confirmed via roll call:…


Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

SHARON SELECTBOARD REGULAR MEETING Thursday, August 6, 2020 Minutes (Draft) This meeting was held in compliance With the Vermont Open Meeting Law with electronic participation. Attendance: Selectboard Members via Zoom:…


Ryan Haac Leave a Comment

…in compliance with the Vermont Open Meeting Law for electronic participation. Energy Committee members attending: Dee Gish, Ryan Haac. Ryan called the meeting together at 17:18 (5:18 PM). 1. Public…


Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

SHARON SELECTBOARD SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, July 14, 2020 Minutes (Final) This meeting was held in compliance With the Vermont Open Meeting Law with electronic participation. Attendance confirmed via roll call:…


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…planning grant. She will follow-up with Jenn LaVoie at VT ACCD. Tory Littlefield indicated all work must be complete by August 31, 2020. The Sharon Energy Committee has completed a…


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Town of Sharon, Vermont Planning Commission Minutes JANUARY 12, 2021 (FINAL) Approved 2/9/21 The meeting was publicly warned in conformance with H.681 authorizing temporary amendments to Vermont’s open meeting law…