
Kyle Rogstad Leave a Comment

Town of Sharon, Vermont Planning Commission Minutes October 23, 2018 (Final) Commissioners Present: Paul Kristensen, Peter Anderson, Sue Sellew, Ira Clark Commissioners Absent: Joe Ronan Staff Present: none Visitors: Matt…


Kyle Rogstad Leave a Comment

…public: Nick Clark, Thetford Selectboard Joe Ronan called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Public Comments: none Review/Approve Agenda: Mary Gavin made the motion to approve the modified agenda, noting…


Kyle Rogstad Leave a Comment

…public: Nick Clark, Thetford Selectboard Joe Ronan called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Public Comments: none Review/Approve Agenda: Mary Gavin made the motion to approve the modified agenda, noting…



…is true and accurate. ________________________________________________ ____________________ Applicant’s signature Date For Completion by Administrative Officer Date application received: ____ / ____ / ____ Date application deemed complete: ____ / ____ /…

Mins 110617_regular draft


…has indicated 4 new firefighters also need training in the national incident command system (ICS). 9. Observance of Veterans Day Paid Holiday: Selectmen agreed that – in accordance with existing…


Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

…Gavin and carried unanimously. 2. Public Comments: There were no public comments. 3. Review & Approve Minutes: Mary Gavin made the motion to approve the minutes of the May 12,…

Ag 072820_special AM Final

Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

SHARON SELECTBOARD SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, July 28, 2020 7:30AM AGENDA This meeting will be held in compliance With the Vermont Open Meeting Law with electronic participation. Join Zoom Meeting FROM…


Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

…without changes. Mary Gavin seconded. The motion carried. 2. Public Comments: There were no public comments apart from comments received on warned agenda items. 3. Consideration of Water System Treatment…