Highway Department

(802) 763-8268 ext. 6
Point of Contact:

Allen Wight

Office Hours:

Mon - Fri 6:00 - 2:30

Highway Department Staff

  • Allen Wight, Highway Supervisor
  • Mark Earle
  • Anthony Jones

We always appreciate residents’ feedback on road conditions and concerns. Please contact the Town Garage (802-763-8268 ext. 6). If we cannot answer, please leave a message, and we will return your call. You may also email roadcrew@sharonvt.net. We generally check messages early in the morning and upon return to the garage at the end of the day.

Town Garage

Summer hours are 6:00AM – 4:30PM Mondays through Thursdays

Winter hours are 6:00AM – 2:30PM Mondays through Fridays

Emergency Road Conditions

If you need to report an emergency road condition, please call the Highway Department 802-763-8268 ext.6. If the offices are closed or you do not get a response, you may report the emergency to the VT State Police at 802-234-9933.

The Sharon highway department maintains over 14 miles of Class 2 (paved) and 33 miles of Class 3 (gravel) roads. Additionally, the Town is responsible for maintenance of culverts and bridges on Class 4 (gravel) town highways. The Town reports its town highway mileage to the State of Vermont annually, in order to continue to receive the appropriate state aid to highways. Sharon’s official town highway map is updated by the Agency of Transportation and current versions of the map may also be accessed through their website.

Highway Policy

In 2001, the Selectboard adopted the Town of Sharon Highway Policy for maintenance, classification, and construction of town highways. In recent years the resiliency of our local roads and bridges has become a concern. The Town has elected to adhere to the 2019 Town Road and Bridge Standards as set forth by the State of Vermont. Likewise, the Town adheres to new stormwater best management practices along the estimated 31 miles of hydrologically-connected town highways, in conformance with the State of Vermont Municipal Roads General Permit.

Overweight Trucks

The Town of Sharon requires a valid over-weight permit for weights in excess of state limits to travel town highways. Please contact the Highway Supervisor with questions about overweight trucks on posted roads.

Applications for a Town of Sharon Uniform Municipal Excess Weight Permit should be submitted to the Selectboard Offices by March 31st annually.
The permit application will require the name of your company, a contact person, valid telephone number, and legal address. You will be asked to provide information on the type of vehicle(s) and gross weight(s) along with proof of current insurance coverages. Please submit the application fee with the application ($5 individual vehicle, $10 fleet) to the Sharon Selectboard Office, Town of Sharon, P.O. Box 250, Sharon, VT 05065 or via email to selectboard@sharonvt.net.

Driveway Permit Applications

The Town of Sharon requires a driveway permit to be obtained prior to construction of all new driveways connecting to Class 1, 2, 3, and 4 town highways. There is an application fee. The landowner must be applicant or co-applicant. Upon permit approval a “Memorandum of Municipal Action” is filed in the land records. There is a recording fee due to the Town Clerk for recordation. The approved copy of the driveway permit is filed in the vault and a copy transmitted to the landowner/applicant.

The Selectboard reviews and approves driveway permit applications. Please submit a complete application and application fee to selectboard@sharonvt.net or mail to:

Selectboard, Town of Sharon,
PO Box 250,
Sharon, VT 05065.

The Selectboard Assistant reviews permit applications for completeness, and then refers the application to the Road Foreman who will schedule a site visit.

Of concern during the site visit is driveway alignment, sight distance up and down the road, a level approach, and potential impacts of driveway construction on drainage conditions of the area. The Road Foreman may require a driveway culvert be installed. If the driveway culvert is to be installed within the town’s right-of-way, the landowner will be asked to pay for the culvert and the road crew will install it.

For more information regarding the criteria to be met for highway access permit approval, please consult the Sharon’s Town Highway Policy.

Driveway Permit Application

Town Highway Map

To view the 2016 VT AOT Town Highway map, click here.

Please note, we are working with the State to correct the map for 2023.

Additional Highway Policies

Access to Town Sand Pile Policy
Policy Regarding Mail Box Damage