Planning Commission

(802) 763-8268 ext. 107
Point of Contact:

Frances Mize
Office Hours:

By appointment

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission members are Dana Colson, Lucy Gibson, Dee Gish, Paul Kristensen, John Roe and Sue Sellew.

The Planning Commission meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM in Sharon Town Offices, 15 School Street.

The Planning Commission is a hard-working volunteer group appointed by the Selectboard that represents the community as we think ahead, envision what we all want our town to be like in the future, and establish the roadmap or plan to make that happen. The Commission is made up of five members appointed by the Selectboard for three-year terms.

The Planning Commission does not have an office or hold office hours.  Inquiries about Planning Commission business should be directed to the Planning Commission Administrator at

Documents & Applications

2010 Sharon Flood Hazard Bylaw

2023 Town Plan

2023 Town Plan Maps

2023 Town Plan Adoption Process

Subdivision Application

Subdivision Instructions

Subdivision Regulations

Planning Commission Duties

The duties of the Planning Commission are set forth in Title 24, Section 4325 of the laws of the State of Vermont.  These include preparing and amending the Town Plan, bylaws, and subdivision regulations.  It may undertake studies and make recommendations on matters of land development, transportation infrastructure, energy conservation, and many other related matters.

Sharon Planning Commission, as further directed by actions of the Selectboard or voters of the town,

  • Reviews and approves applications for subdivisions of land pursuant to Sharon Subdivision Regulations;
  • Serves as the Development Review Board for review and approval of applications for flood hazard area permits pursuant to the 2010 Sharon Flood Hazard Bylaw;
  • Prepares and recommends revisions to the Sharon Town Plan, last adopted in 2023;
  • Prepares revisions to current bylaws or makes recommendations to the Selectboard for consideration of new bylaws.
  • Coordinates its planning efforts with local boards and committees, neighboring communities, and the Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission located in Woodstock.

The Planning Commission makes a strong effort to contact town residents about meetings where citizens can provide input. Members of the community are always welcome to attend meetings, and the Planning Commission holds public hearings on action items such as the Town Plan, bylaws, and proposed subdivisions.  Agendas for upcoming meetings are posted at the Town Offices, the Sharon Trading Post, Midway Station, Sharon Post Office, and on the Town’s website.

Land Use and Sharon Town Plan

Planning is the process of ‘visioning’ and designing the community’s future. The Town Plan is drafted by the Planning Commission with input from citizens. After one or more public hearings, the plan is referred to the Selectboard, which also holds a hearing prior to adoption by majority vote. The Town Plan includes recommendations for both voluntary and regulatory actions. It is also used as a benchmark in certain Act 250 proceedings. The plan is updated and readopted every five years.  Our current Town Plan was adopted in August of 2023. To learn more about the Town Plan process and to view the Town Plan Documents, click here.

Zoning, which Sharon does not have, is the process of regulating proposed uses of property so as to fit with the plan that the town designed. In the absence of zoning, planning and the Sharon Town Plan are guidelines rather than regulations.

Permit Guidance

Do you need help determining if you need a permit from the Agency of Natural Resources for your project? Try using the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Permit Navigator.

The Permit Navigator can provide guidance for permits that would be required for a project on a single parcel or as a result of subdivisions.

Subdivision Regulations

The Town first adopted subdivision regulations in the 1970s.  These regulations are periodically updated and revised.  To view the current subdivision regulations, last revised in 2016, click here.

Planning Commissioners review applications and site plans for subdivisions of land. The Planning Commission can use this review to request certain conditions relative to the layout of roads and driveways, traffic flow, landscaping and screening as well as erosion control measures.

Inquiries about the application review process may be made to the Planning Commission Administrator at 802-763-8268 ext. 107 or via email to

Subdivision applications should be submitted two (2) weeks in advance of a Planning Commission monthly meeting to the Planning Commission Administrator.

The Administrator will applications for completeness and will assist the applicant with questions.

There are three phases to a successful subdivision application including the initial, preliminary, and final reviews, giving the applicant an opportunity to meet directly with the Planning Commission.

State statute requires the Planning Commission to hold a site visit and a minimum of one public hearing as part of the final review phase.

Town of Sharon Flood Hazard Regulations

Planning Commissioners serve as members of the Development Review Board (“DRB”) to administer the Sharon Flood Hazard Area Bylaw. The DRB reviews and renders decisions on applications for flood hazard area permits.  For more information concerning the flood hazard bylaw refer to the Development Review Board page.