The Selectboard is meeting weekly due to Covid 19. 1st and 3rd Monday regular meetings are held at 6:30PM; 2nd and 4th Tuesday morning special meetings occur at 7:30AM. The public may dial-in to these meetings as follows: Telephone number: (515) – 606 – 5449; Access code: 228617
This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.
it’s a new one
it’s a test to find things
Employment Opportunity
Please fill out our application here
testing font sizes
This is a test of the font sizes on the allerts
Beaver meadow closed
BID OPPORTUNITY We are seeking someone to do a thing for us. Beaver meadow closed until 3pm SEC_20190422_MeetingAgenda
More recent
This is a more recent notice
This is a notice
sdfds d sd dfh sfg ds fsdfg sd fsdfs
Bid opportunity!
School closed due to emergency. Please avoid area.
Another Alert
This is another alert to show color differential.