RFP Grounds Maintenance 2017


…05065 Bid Opening, Review, and Award: Bids will be opened and read aloud to the public at 3:00pm Monday, April 24, 2017. After bids are opened they will be reviewed…

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…Ryan Haac (Sharon Energy Committee), Peter Neri (Moore Road) Staff Attending: Deb Jones, Margy Becker Kevin Gish convened the regular meeting at 6:30pm. Public Comments: There were no public comments….

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…Day” – Sharon Energy Committee Sponsorship Ryan Haac and Jill Wilcox reported Sharon Energy Committee is in receipt of a mini-grant ($250) from Vital Communities for organization of a ‘community…


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…Day” – Sharon Energy Committee Sponsorship Ryan Haac and Jill Wilcox reported Sharon Energy Committee is in receipt of a mini-grant ($250) from Vital Communities for organization of a ‘community…


Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

SHARON SELECTBOARD SPECIAL MEETING MAY 20, 2021 MINUTES (Final) This meeting was held in compliance with the Vermont Open Meeting Law with Electronic and Telephonic Participation Participating via Zoom: Selectboard…

7 Town Capabilties Table – 2015 Plan

Nicola Shipman Leave a Comment

…landowners for some projects. Funding (state and federal) sought and obtained by the White River Partnership. The White River Partnership, in coordination with the Town of Sharon has completed a…

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…14 Land Use of the Sharon Town Plan. Selectmen provided individual comments to be transmitted to the Planning Commission prior to its first public hearing. Those comments include the following…


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…is comprised of approximately 130 acres. He also relayed his opinion that the Conservation Commission may not be the best entity to represent the Town in future planning meetings. The…


Kyle Rogstad Leave a Comment

…is comprised of approximately 130 acres. He also relayed his opinion that the Conservation Commission may not be the best entity to represent the Town in future planning meetings. The…

BID FORM – Grounds Maintenance 2017


…Town Offices/Old School House Labor Equipment Supplies/Materials subtotal 3 seasons Site 2: Baxter Library/Rte. 14 Roadside Parcel Labor Equipment Supplies/Materials subtotal 3 seasons GARDEN BED PLANTING/MAINTENANCE: Labor Plants (as-needed); mulching…