
Kyle Rogstad Leave a Comment

…Day” – Sharon Energy Committee Sponsorship Ryan Haac and Jill Wilcox reported Sharon Energy Committee is in receipt of a mini-grant ($250) from Vital Communities for organization of a ‘community…


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…a winter highway maintenance workshop, and they all found it to be beneficial. Frank reported that he will explore pre-treatment of paved roads in combination with changes in the timing…


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…resume during a special meeting scheduled for 8:00AM Saturday, December 8th. 3. Website Proposals: Selectmen conferred with Mike Tisdale, IT Consultant regarding proposals for website re- design. General consensus was…


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…reported that in the absence of a completed enhanced energy planning process, statutes require the Town Selectboard and Planning Commission, in conjunction with the Regional Planning Commission, to issue a…


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…to finance design, permitting, engineering, financing, and construction costs associated with paving Howe Hill and other roads as-needed. Mary Gavin made the motion to approve the Declaration of Official Intent…


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…to finance design, permitting, engineering, financing, and construction costs associated with paving Howe Hill and other roads as-needed. Mary Gavin made the motion to approve the Declaration of Official Intent…


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…Ashley Gray, Jodi Harrington, Steve Raymond, Ashley Denk. Guests 7:15 – 8:00pm Joyce and Robert Dion. 1. Public Comments: None 2. Review/Approve Agenda: When reviewing the agenda, Ronan acknowledged that,…


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…noted, however, the Town’s procurement policy will require competitive bids.) The Resolution and excerpts of the draft application were reviewed. It was agreed TRORC staff will be designated as ‘grant…

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…weeks. Horizons will be responsible for quality control, measurement and payment of in-place quantities, addressing design questions, review of change orders. The engineer will provide regular updates and communications with…


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…Review/Approve Agenda: Mary Gavin made the motion to approve the agenda as posted. Kevin Gish seconded. The motion carried. 3. Public Comments: There were no public comments apart from items…