Selectboard Transitions to ZOOM for Remote Meetings

Nicola Shipman

The Selectboard will utilize the videoconferencing application ZOOM (with dial-in capability) for its 7:30AM meeting on Tuesday, July 28th.  The ZOOM connection information is contained in the agenda posted below on the right side panel on this home page under “Upcoming Meetings”.

Absentee Ballots now available for Aug 11 state primary.

Nicola Shipman

You can request a ballot from the town clerk, recently mailed post card or by accessing the Secretary of State’s website myvoter page at

Hartford Transfer Station Dump Stickers on Sale Now

Nicola Shipman

Please fill out the dump sticker application and return via mail with a check payable to the Town of Sharon for the appropriate permit fee (noted on application).  Mail to:  Sharon Town Clerk, Town of Sharon, P.O.  Box 250, Sharon, VT  05065.  The sticker will be mailed to you upon receipt of application and check.   If you would like to …

Dog License Applications Due July 15

Nicola Shipman

Please fill out the 2020 Dog License Application and return by July 15 to: Sharon Town Clerk, Town of Sharon, PO Box 250, Sharon, VT  05065 along with a check payable to the Town of Sharon for the appropriate fee.  $13.00 for unneutered or $9.00 for neutered.  Application is found here: 2020 Dog License Application Due July 15 Debbie St. …

Board and Commission Meetings During COVID 19

Nicola Shipman

Effective April 20, 2020 all in-person meetings of town boards and commissions are suspended and through the period of the State of Emergency.  During the State of Emergency boards and commissions will meet remotely, and via teleconference or video conferencing with telephonic access. Agendas provide information about electronic and/or dial-in information.  The Selectboard meets 1st and 3rd Mondays at 6:30PM; …

Town Buildings Accessibility During Covid 19

Nicola Shipman

Effective April 20, 2020 the Town Offices and garage remain closed to the public except by appointment until further notice.  The Town Office phone number is 802-763-8268.  We can provide most any service you need by phone, email, US Mail, or fax.  Addressing the public’s needs and questions remains a high priority.  We will do the best we can to respond …

Town Office Schedule during COVID 19

Nicola Shipman

The Town Offices are open to the public by appointment only, including title researches, until further notice.  Masks or facial coverings are required.  Please call the local official you are scheduled to see upon arrival in the parking lot.  Town Clerk Debra St. Peter  is in-office daily beginning at 7AM but works reduced hours.  Staff continue to work remotely, with …

2020 Overweight Permit Applications

Nicola Shipman

Commencing May 1st the Town will resume processing overweight permit applications.  Please continue to submit as you would via mail or email.  Fees and evidence of insurance are due upon application.