Chester Downer Endowment Fund

Nicola Shipman

Trustees Jim Kearns Bob Ferguson Martha Fisk Background The Chester Downer Endowment Fund was created in 1926 in accordance with Section Nine of the Last Will of Charles Downer. The fund was established by Charles Downer was made in memory of his father, Chester Downer, as a “permanent endowment trust fund for the Town of Sharon on the conditions stated …

Flood Hazard Administrator

Nicola Shipman

Flood Hazard Area Bylaw A Flood Hazard Area bylaw is required by FEMA to ensure that the Town of Sharon, its citizens and businesses will be eligible for federal flood insurance, federal disaster recovery funds, and hazard mitigation funds as a result of flood damage.  Its main purpose is to avoid loss of life and minimize loss of property, disruption …

Town Clerk

Nicola Shipman

Vault research:  Please call or email before stopping by so we may assist you in the best possible way.  Thank you! About The Town Clerk’s office, located in the Sharon Municipal Building on Route 132, is a hub of town activity. Not only does the Town Clerk run Sharon’s elections; this is where you go if you want to look …

Ashley Community Forest

Nicola Shipman

The Ashley Community Forest The Ashley Community Forest is a 256.4 acre property that was donated to the Towns of Sharon and Strafford in January 2022 by the Alliance for Vermont Communities.  It is accessed via Nutting Road in Strafford and is intended to be an open space asset for the two towns.  The day-to-day oversight of the property will …

Animal Control


Currently Serving Jim Armbruster About Animal Control Officer’s Role The Sharon Animal Control Officer’s main responsibility is to assist the Selectboard with enforcement of the town’s animal control ordinance.  This ordinance, which has been in effect for many years and last updated in 2011, applies to the licensing and vaccination, registration, confinement, and neglect or abuse of dogs and wolf-hybrids. …

Board of Civil Authority

Kyle Rogstad

Title 24 : Municipal And County Government Chapter 033 : Municipal Officers Generally § 801. Composition; meetings The Town Clerk, Selectboard members and justices residing in a town shall constitute the board of civil authority of such town. Meetings of the board shall be called by the Town Clerk, or by one of the Selectboard members, on application, by giving …

Board of Abatement


What is the Board of Abatement? The board of abatement has the authority to abate property taxes. Abatement is the process of relieving taxpayers from the burden of paying property taxes or other charges or fees owed the Town. Abatement is granted when the request is authorized by law and when the board of abatement agrees the request is reasonable …

Development Review Board


Currently Serving The Planning Commission members also currently serve on the Development Review Board: Dana Colson, Lucy Gibson, Dee Gish, Paul Kristensen, John Roe and Sue Sellew. About the Development Review Board The Development Review Board (“DRB”) meets as-needed.  DRB meetings and public hearings are traditionally held at 7:00PM in Sharon Town Offices, 15 School Street.  Site visits usually precede …

Recreation Committee

Kyle Rogstad

Currently Serving Tiffany Clark Samantha Potter Vision Statement The Sharon Recreation Department pledges to provide stewardship of our town’s natural, cultural, and historical resources. Providing the community with a robust recreation program that is community driven with a variety of activities for all ages. Mission Statement The Sharon Recreation Department is committed to enrich and enhance the quality of life …