Effective December 1, 2020 Alex Bird will assume the role of Health Officer for the Town of Sharon. At that point Acting HO Joe Ronan will step into the role of Deputy Health Officer.
Contact information for both:
HEALTH OFFICER: Alex Bird, Inn at Idlewood, 54 Steele Road; 802-763-5236; (mobile) 603-277-0422
DEPUTY HEALTH OFFICER: Joe Ronan, Chair Selectboard, 989 Beaver Meadow Rd; (Home) 802-763-2717; (mobile) 215-817-4488; (work) 802-649-7314
Health Officers respond to complaints related to public health hazards and rental housing code violations. They are state appointees who work closely with the VT Dept of Health, Environmental Enforcement and Animal Control Officers. The Selectboard and Health Officers constitute the local board of health.