Nicola Shipman

NOTICE OF VACANCY – SELECTBOARD In accordance with 24 V.S.A. § 961(a), the Selectboard of the Town of Sharon hereby gives notice of a vacancy created by the resignation of Mary Gavin in the office of Selectboard member effective as of midnight on September 30th, 2023. The Selectboard, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 963, will make an appointment to fill …

Taxes Due

Nicola Shipman

Taxes due 9/13/23 by 6PM

VTrans Park and Ride

Nicola Shipman

Public Hearing Hosted by VTrans CMG PARK(51) Sharon Park and Ride on VT Route 132 Date: September 7 , 2023 Time: 6:00 PM – Open Forum 6:30 PM – Formal Public 502 Hearing Location: Sharon Congregational Church 55 VT Route 132, Sharon, Vermont Details below:

DRB Public Hearing 8/8/2023

Nicola Shipman

Town of Sharon Public Hearing Notice Development Review Board A public hearing before the Development Review Board (DRB) of the Town of Sharon, VT will be held in the Sharon Town Offices, 15 School Street, on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at approximately 7PM to consider the following:   Application by Roger Harrington to repair a farm bridge within a regulated flood …

2023 Notice to Taxpayers

Nicola Shipman

NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Agreeably to the provisions of Title 32, Vermont Statutes Annotated, Section 4111, notice is hereby given that the undersigned listers within and for the Town of Sharon have this day completed the Abstract of property owners as of the first day of April 2023. The listers have this same day lodged the Abstract in the office of …

No PC/DRB Meetings in July

Nicola Shipman

The Sharon Planning Commission and Development Review Board will not hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday July 11, 2023. Meetings will resume Tuesday August 8th, 2023. Thank you!