
(802) 763-8268 ext 4
Point of Contact:

Nicola Shipman
Office Hours:

Mon & Wed 8:30am to 12:30pm
Tues & Thurs 9:00am to 3:30pm
By appointment

Selectboard 12-04-2023



December 4th, 2023 6:30PM

Town Offices Conference Room / Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting


Dial by your location

        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)


Meeting ID: 878 2685 3545

Passcode: 706799



  1. Call to Order
  2. Review/Approve Agenda
  3. Public Comments
  4. Selectboard Member Reports [5]
  5. Finance Manager Reports: Lucy Pierpont [5]
  6. Road Foreman Reports: Frank Rogers [5]
  7. Selectboard Assistant Reports: Nicola Shipman [5]
  8. Review Minutes: November 20th, 2023 [5]
  9. Warrants [5]



  1. SRRS Representative: Dave Kimball [10]


  1. Executive Session: Legal Counsel [15]

If the Selectboard first finds that 1) premature public knowledge regarding the town’s ongoing court case would clearly place the town at a substantial disadvantage as it would require disclosing its legal strategy in public, then 2) the board may entertain a motion to receive confidential attorney-client communications made for the purpose of providing professional legal services to the body. 1 V.S.A. § 313(a)(1)

  1. Budget Discussion: Appropriations/Budget Overview [15]

Discuss appropriations requests; review ARPA appropriations suggestion from VLCT; review FY25 budget in its current form with working numbers


  1. FY23 Audit Report Review: Lucy Pierpont [10]

Entertain a motion to 1) accept the FY23 audit report as presented and 2) authorize Finance Manager to sign the Approval of Financial Statements and Reports




  1. Ashley Community Forest Timber Sales Contract Question [10]


  1. Australian Ballot Articles for Town Meeting 2024 [5]


  1. FY24 Grants-in-Aid Technical Support Request: Nicola Shipman [5]

Entertain a motion to engage TRORC technical assistance for FY24 Grants-in-Aid


  1. Jack Jones Carpentry Contract Renewal: Nicola Shipman [5]

Entertain a motion to sign the agreement for services as presented


  1. Downer Fund Corporate Resolution: Deb Jones [5]


  1. Municipal Cardiac Emergency Response Plan [5]

Entertain a motion to approve the CERP as presented


  1. Contract Amendment for Exterior Painting [5]

Entertain a motion to authorize the extension of the original contract dates


  1. Old Town Hall Building Repairs [5]



  1. Other business
  2. Adjourn



*Times are approximate


To participate via Zoom, click on the Zoom meeting link or call the Zoom meeting phone number, enter the meeting ID followed by the passcode. You will be connected.  This agenda is posted on the town website at under Home Page “Upcoming Meetings”. Open agenda and click on the zoom link.  If you have difficulty connecting to the meeting, please call (802) 763-8268 x4 or email