
(802) 763-8268 ext 4
Point of Contact:

Nicola Shipman
Office Hours:

Mon & Wed 8:30am to 12:30pm
Tues & Thurs 9:00am to 3:30pm
By appointment

Selectboard 10-21-2019

6:30PM Regular Business:
1. Public Comments
2. Review/Approve Agenda
3. Selectboard Member reports
4. Review & Approve Minutes: October 7, 2019
5. Approve Warrants
Highways: New Business: Status & Action as Necessary
6. Road Foreman Reports
7. Horizons’ Engineering Proposal: Baxter Library Driveway Repairs
8. October 29, 2019 Bond Vote: public education materials
9. Better Roads Grant Application: River Road Culvert Replacements
Selectboard: New Administrative Business ( Status & Action as necessary)
10. Finance Manager Reports:
a. Review Cost information Long-Term Disability Insurance
b. Preview of 2020 Health Insurance Rates
11. Opioid Litigation: Discuss Bennington Case as-needed
12. 4-Town Working Communities Challenge Planning Grant Application: status report
13. Norwich Technologies: Assurance of Decommissioning Rte. 132 Solar
Selectboard: Unfinished Business (Status Reports)
14. Animal Control
15. Exit 2 Park’n Ride: Enhanced Lighting
16. IT Services, Cybersecurity & Windows Upgrades
17. Meritor Claim
18. Country Animal Hospital – Agreement for Strays
19. Selectboard Assistant Reports
20. Executive Session – Personnel
21. Adjourn