Selectboard 08-05-2019
6:30PM Regular Business:
1. Public Comments
2. Review/Approve Agenda
3. Selectboard Member reports
4. Review & Approve Minutes: July 22, 2019
5. Approve Warrants
New Business: Status & Action as Necessary
6. 6:30PM Mike Tisdale: Cybersecurity
7. Road Foreman Reports
8. 7:15PM Meet with Pomfret Selectboard re: Howe Hill Paving
9. Selectboard policies and procedures
10. Ashley Community Forest
11. Town Buildings Maintenance & Repairs
a. Vacant position for building maintenance person
b. bathroom repairs at Old School House
c. recycling/garbage shed at Old School House
12. Nominate Volunteer for VCRD Leadership Summit
Finance Manager Reports
13. Bond Vote: continued discussions as-needed
14. Other reports
Unfinished Business: Status and Action as Necessary:
15. Norwich Technologies: financing decommissioning Rte. 132 Solar Array
16. Selectboard Assistant – Status Reports
17. Executive Session
18. Adjourn