
(802) 763-8268 ext 4
Point of Contact:

Nicola Shipman
Office Hours:

Mon & Wed 8:30am to 12:30pm
Tues & Thurs 9:00am to 3:30pm
By appointment

Selectboard 05-15-2023


Monday, May 15th, 2023 at 6:30PM

This will be a hybrid meeting with both a physical location at the Town Offices and the option to join remotely by Zoom


Join Zoom Meeting


Dial by your location

        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)


Meeting ID: 878 2685 3545

Passcode: 706799



  1. Call to Order
  2. Review/Approve Agenda
  3. Public Comments
  4. Selectboard Reports: Members [10]
  5. Finance Manager Reports: Lucy Pierpont [10]
  6. Selectboard Assistant Reports: Nicola Shipman [10]
  7. Road Foreman Reports: Frank Rogers [10]
  8. Review Minutes: April 24th / May 1st [5]
  9. Review/Approve Warrants [10]




  1. Request for Grand List Filing Extension: Lister’s Office [10]

Review information regarding extension request from Lister’s Office; action as needed.


  1. Dog Registration Reporting: Town Clerk’s Office [5]

Review registration information provided by the Town Clerk’s Office; action as needed.


  1. Old Town Hall Review [10]

Discuss options for Old Town Hall building based on conditions assessment


  1. TAP Scoping Study [5]

Entertain a motion to select an MPM for the TAP Scoping Study project.


  1. Designate Employer Representative [5]

Entertain a motion to appoint a Designated Employer Representative for the Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing as required by the VT Department of Transportation.


  1. Town Offices Lighting Upgrade [10]

Review quotes; entertain a motion to hire an electrical contractor for the 2023 Town Offices Lighting Upgrade project in conjunction with the Efficiency Vermont Commercial Rebate program.


  1. Dental Benefits Plan Renewal [5]

Entertain a motion to renew the Delta Dental Benefit Plan 7 with individual rates set at $35.98 per month, 2 persons at $67.76 per month and 3 more persons at $120.44 per month as provided through VLCT for the period from July 1, 2023 through June 30th, 2024.


  1. Crack Sealing Bids [10]

Review; Entertain a motion to award crack sealing contract for FY2023 with the total amount not to exceed $12,000 as per the FY2023 Highway Budget.


  1. The Ranger [5]

Update regarding event in June and request for approval


  1. Initial Discussion of Town Plan 2023 [5]


  1. Executive Session [if required; 10]

Entertain a motion to enter executive session for the purposes of the appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee per 1 V.S.A. § 313(a)(3)


  1. Executive Session [if required; 10]

Should the Selectboard members find that:


  1. premature general public knowledge would clearly place the public body or a person involved at a substantial disadvantage on its own motion


the board may:


 2) Entertain a motion to enter executive session for the purposes of receiving confidential attorney-client communications and professional legal services to the body per 1 V.S.A. § 313(a)(1)





  1. Other business as needed


  1. Adjourn


OPEN MEETING LAW COMPLIANCE:  Pursuant to 1 VSA §312(a)(2) To participate via Zoom, click on the Zoom meeting link or call the Zoom meeting phone number, enter the meeting ID followed by the passcode. You will be connected.  This agenda is posted on the town website at under Home Page “Upcoming Meetings”. Open agenda and click on the zoom link.  If you have difficulty connecting to the meeting, please call (802) 763-8268 x4 or email


*Times are approximate