
(802) 763-8268 ext 4
Point of Contact:

Nicola Shipman
Office Hours:

Mon & Wed 8:30am to 12:30pm
Tues & Thurs 9:00am to 3:30pm
By appointment

Selectboard 04-18-2022


Sharon Town Offices – 15 School Street, Sharon, VT


Regular Meeting Agenda FINAL

Monday, April 18th, 2022



This meeting will be held in compliance with Act 78, signed into law on January 18, 2022

allowing fully-remote public meetings with electronic participation until January 15, 2023.


Join Zoom Meeting


Dial by location

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)


Meeting ID: 912 1608 5657

Passcode: 316913



  1. Review/Approve Agenda [3]
  2. Public Comments [5]
  3. Selectboard Member Reports: [15]
    • Current Use Letter (Kevin Gish)
    • Staff Picnic Location (Sarah Pfeiffer)
    • Outlook Functionality (Mary Gavin)
    • Other updates as necessary
  4. Selectboard Assistant Reports: Paint Bid; Grounds Contract; Structures Grant April 15th [5]
  5. Approve Minutes: April 4th (regular) [2]
  6. Approve Warrants [10]
  7. Appointees [5]
    • To appoint Ryan Haac as liaison to the Regional Energy Coordinator for a 1-year term
    • To appoint Samantha Potter, Tiffany Clark and Georgia Potter to the Recreation Committee each for a 1-year term
  8. Finance Manager Reports: Deb Jones [10]
  9. Highway Business/Road Foreman Reports: Frank Rogers [15]



  1. 7:40PM White River Partnership Report Broad Brook River Access: Christian Pelletier [15]
  2. 7:55PM Historical Society Update on Accessibility Ramp at Old Town Hall: Sue Sellew and Dave Phillips [15]
  3. 8:10PM Animal Control Officer Report: Damon Dyer [10]
  4. 8:20PM Baxter Memorial Library Lighting [10]
  5. 8:30PM Tech Support for Residents Applying for Property Tax Assistance – Ken Wright [10]
  6. 8:40PM Adopt the 2022 Local Emergency Management Plan and the National Incident Management System (Due May 1st) [5]
  7. Adoption of Resolution 22-01 – A resolution for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Allocation [5]


8:50PM UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Status Reports/Action as needed

  1. Old School House – Lease and Other Discussions
  2. Coronavirus planning/updates as needed
  3. Crescent Lake Dam as needed
  4. Harlow Road as needed
  5. Kendall Property as needed
  6. Reconvene Open Meeting
  7. Adjourn


OPEN MEETING LAW COMPLIANCE:  Pursuant to 1 VSA §312(a)(2) To participate in this Zoom meeting, click on the Zoom meeting link or call the Zoom meeting phone number, enter the meeting ID followed by the passcode. You will be connected.  This agenda is posted on the town website at under Home Page “Upcoming Meetings”.  Open agenda and click on the zoom link.  If you have difficulty connecting to the meeting, please call (802) 763-7331 x4 or email