
(802) 763-8268 ext 4
Point of Contact:

Nicola Shipman
Office Hours:

Mon & Wed 8:30am to 12:30pm
Tues & Thurs 9:00am to 3:30pm
By appointment

Selectboard 03-21-2022

Regular Meeting Agenda FINAL

Monday, MARCH 21st, 2022



This meeting will be held in compliance with January 2022 Amendments to the Vermont Open Meeting Law

allowing fully-remote public meetings with electronic participation.

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+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 822 0131 5145

Passcode: 346525



  1. Review/Approve Agenda [5]
  2. Public Comments [5]
  3. Approve Minutes: March 3rd (special), March 7th (special), March 10th (special) [5]
  4. Approve Warrants [5]
  5. Appointees [15]
    • E911 Coordinator: Galen Mudgett
    • TRORC Transportation Advisory Committee: Deb Jones
    • TRORC Commissioner: Ira Clark
    • Emergency Management Director: Nathan Potter
    • Emergency Management Coordinators: Becky Owens and Keith Lyman, Jr.
    • Green Up Day Coordinator: Sharon Conservation Committee
    • Energy Committee: Dee Gish, Ryan Haac, Zach Stremlau and Jill Wilcox
    • Conservation Committee: Sam Brakeley, Scott Chesnut, Dan Deneen, Dick Ruben and Mike Zwikelmaier (Chair)

*7:05PM NEW BUSINESS: (Action Items)

  1. 7:05PM Finance Manager Reports: Deb Jones [5]
  2. 7:10PM Highway Business/Road Foreman Reports: Frank Rogers [10]
    • MRGP Signature Req’d
    • Truck rental question
  3. 7:20PM 2015 Town Plan Readoption: Readopt 2015 Plan [5]
  4. 7:25PM Green Up Day Request: Dick Ruben [5]
  5. 7:30PM Baxter Memorial Library Heat Pump Bid: Geoff Martin and Ryan Haac [10]
  6. 7:40PM Finance Manager Hiring: Information from The Leddy Group [10]
  7. 7:50PM ARPA/SLRFR: Informational Meeting Schedule [5]


7:55PM UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Status Reports/Action as needed

  1. 7:55PM Selectboard Assistant Reports: Mowing Bid, Paint Bid, Structures Grant [5]
  2. 8:00PM Kendall Property Update [5]
  3. 8:05PM Baxter Memorial Library: Renewal to 2016 Letter of Agreement [5]
  4. 8:10PM Approval of Liquor Licenses: Sharon Trading Post [5]
  5. 8:15PM The Sharon Academy Old School House Lease Renewal [5]
  6. 8:20PM Coronavirus planning/updates: In-person meetings; mask policy [5]
  7. 8:25PM Harlow Road – updates [5]
  8. 8:30PM Executive session: HR – as needed [10]
  9. 8:40PM Reconvene Open Meeting [5]
  10. 8:45PM Adjourn


OPEN MEETING LAW COMPLIANCE:  Pursuant to 1 VSA §312(a)(2) To participate in this Zoom meeting, click on the Zoom meeting link or call the Zoom meeting phone number, enter the meeting ID followed by the passcode. You will be connected.  This agenda is posted on the town website at under Home Page “Upcoming Meetings”.  Open agenda and click on the zoom link.  If you have difficulty connecting to the meeting, please call (802) 763-7331 x4 or email


*Times are approximate