Selectboard 01-20-2020
Regular Business:
1. Public Comments
2. Review/Approve Agenda
3. Selectboard Member reports
4. Review & Approve Minutes: January 6th, 2020
5. Approve Warrants
New Highways Business: Status & Action as Necessary
6. 6:30PM Road Foreman Reports (as needed)
7. Horizons Engineering: Proposed Amendments to Agreement for Services
8. VTRANS 2020 Certification of Highway Mileage
New Administrative Business: Status & Action as Necessary
9. 7:15PM EC Fiber Update – David Karon
10. 7:30PMSharon Energy Committee: Purchase of Thermal Imaging Camera (Ryan Haac)
11. Proposed Act 250 Permit Amendment (Sharon Trading Post)
12. Approve Planning Services Agreement with TRORC for Town Plan Revisions
13. Approve Boynton Construction Estimate for Window Replacements at OSH
14. Approval of Town Meeting Warning
15. Town Reports – Status
16. Ashley Community Forest
17. Finance Manager Reports
Old Business: Status
18. Selectboard Assistant Reports: website update; LEPC 12 status; etc.
19. Executive Session: Employee Wage Review
20. Adjourn