Planning Commission

(802) 763-8268 ext. 107
Point of Contact:

Frances Mize
Office Hours:

By appointment

Planning Commission 05-14-2019

7:00PM – Call to Order
1. Election of Temporary Meeting Chair
2. 7:00PM Final Subdivision Review and Public Hearing:
Application by the Helen Keany Pettengill Trust (Applicant)
Proposed subdivision of 20.4 acres of parcel R05030R into 5 lots.
Access via Luke’s Lane (PVT) off Sharon Meadows
Lot 13 3.02 acres
Lot 14 3.03 acres
Lot 15 3.03 acres
Lot 16 3.01 acres
Lot F 8.32 acres
3. Approval of Minutes of April 9, 2019
4. Town Plan revisions
5. Other business
6. Adjourn