Planning Commission

(802) 763-8268 ext. 107
Point of Contact:

Frances Mize
Office Hours:

By appointment

Planning Commission 04-12-2022


Regular Meeting

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Sharon Town Offices

15 School Street, Sharon VT


This meeting will be held in compliance with Vermont Open Meeting Law for Hybrid meetings

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 910 9971 9568

Passcode: 110838

Dial by your location

        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)



  1. 7:00PM* Call to Order
  2. Response to Black River Quarries’ proposal
  3. 7:30 PM Town Plan
    1. Edits with Kevin Geiger of TRORC
    2. Timetable for remaining work and hearings.
    3. Are extra SPC sessions needed to finalize documents?
  4. 8:30 PM Discussion of:
    1. Timetable for Subdivision Bylaw rewrite
    2. Timetable for Flood Hazard Bylaw rewrite
  5. 8:45 PM Review minutes of 3/20/22 meeting
  6. Other business as needed

*Times are approximate