Ashley Community Forest

Point of Contact:

Erik Skarsten & Kevin Gish
Office Hours:

Hours By Appointment.

Ashley Community Forest 07-13-2023

Ashley Community Forest Board – Special Meeting Agenda

Thursday 7-13-23, 5:00 p.m.

Ashley Community Forest, Nutting Road Parking Area

  1. Call to Order
  2. Public Comments.
  3. Approve Minutes from 5-11-23 meeting.
  4. Report on May 20th Invasive Plant Work Day and June 24th Invasive Plant Work Days.
  5. Discuss recent interaction with Deb Fisk with respect to trail access and use.
  6. Report on June 4th program with Emily Boles and Rudi Rudell. 9 people in attendance.
  7. Report on June 21st program with Becky Bailey. 14 people in attendance.
  8. Report on Black Locust Project
    1. Mike Hebb
    2. Frost Damage
    3. Jim Welch
    4. Re-visit scope of project and Kiosk inclusion
  9. Kiosk, signs, trail maps, brochures.
  10. View Suggested Improvements to the Existing Trail System – Michael
  11. View Trail Extension Ideas – David
  12. Discussion of unauthorized access.
  13. Discuss the plan for mowing this Summer.
  14. Other Business

6:30 Adjourn

Next meeting:  8-10-23 at Sharon Academy H.S., Sharon, Vermont