Ashley Community Forest 04-14-2022
Ashley Community Forest Board – Agenda
Special Meeting, Thursday 4/14/22, 6:00 p.m.
Justin Morrill Education Center, Strafford
6:00 Call the meeting to order
- Public Concerns
- Elect Officers
- History of Ashley Community Forest – Michael Sacca (15 minutes)
- New Vistas, AVC, VLT/VHCB
- Town processes, conservation easement and interlocal contract, town votes.
- Educational Programming 2019-2021.
- Forest Management Plan
- Document Review (30 minutes)
- Conservation easement – Michael Sacca, David Paganelli
- Interlocal contract – Michael Sacca, David Paganelli
- Forest management plan – David Paganelli
- Discussion of Possible Forest Management Plan Process
- Friends of Ashley Community Forest
- Purpose – To support the Committee with possible website development, social media, other communications, fund raising, grant writing, volunteers for work days, signage, publications, reservoir of future committee members.
- Discussion about how this might work and how we might get it started.
- Educational Programming – 2022 programing.
- Discuss Representation on Town Websites.
- Discussion of Future Meetings
- Scheduling and location.
- Schedule site visit and walking tour at ACF.
- Other Business.
7:30 Adjourn