Selectboard 11-07-2023

Nicola Shipman

SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA NOVEMBER 7th, 2023 5:30PM Location: Town Offices Conference Room  5:30PM REGULAR BUSINESS Call to Order Review/Approve Agenda *5:35PM NEW BUSINESS Executive Session: Personnel [60] Entertain a motion to enter executive session for the purposes of the employment of a Town Highway employee per 1 V.S.A. § 313(a)(3). 6:35PM Resume Open Meeting Action as needed 6:40PM Adjourn

Selectboard 11-06-2023

Nicola Shipman

Physical Location Sharon Elementary School Gymnasium 135 School Street Join via Zoom   Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)   Meeting ID: 878 2685 3545 Passcode: 706799   *6:30PM NEW BUSINESS Call to Order Review/Approve Agenda 6:35PM Sharon Village Scoping Study Local Concerns [60]: Nicole Fox & Sarah Wraight 7:35PM Windsor County Sheriff Update: …

Selectboard 10-16-2023

Nicola Shipman

REGULAR MEETING AGENDA HYBRID MEETING October 16th, 2023 6:30PM Town Offices Conference Room / Zoom Join Zoom Meeting   Dial by your location         +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)   Meeting ID: 878 2685 3545 Passcode: 706799   6:30PM REGULAR BUSINESS: Call to Order Review/Approve Agenda Public Comments Selectboard Member Reports [5] Finance Manager Reports: Lucy Pierpont …