Planning Commission 10-08-2019

Kyle Rogstad

1. Convene Planning Commission Meeting after close of DRB Meeting2. Election of Temporary Meeting Chair3. Approval of Planning Commission Minutes of September 10, 20194. Other business – as needed5. Adjourn

Selectboard 10-07-2019

Kyle Rogstad

6:30PM Regular Business:1. Public Comments2. Review/Approve Agenda3. Selectboard Member reports4. Review & Approve Minutes: September 16, 20195. Approve WarrantsHighways: New Business: Status & Action as Necessary6. 6:30PM Nick Clark, Thetford SB: Revised Proposal for Regional Energy Coordinator7. Road Foreman Reports8. Salt Contract9. Baxter Library Driveway Repairs and schedule10. October 29, 2019 Bond Vote: public education materialsSelectboard: New Administrative Business ( …

Selectboard 10-07-2019

Kyle Rogstad

6:30PM Regular Business:1. Public Comments2. Review/Approve Agenda3. Selectboard Member reports4. Review & Approve Minutes: September 16, 20195. Approve WarrantsHighways: New Business: Status & Action as Necessary6. 6:30PM Nick Clark, Thetford SB: Revised Proposal for Regional Energy Coordinator7. Road Foreman Reports8. Salt Contract9. Baxter Library Driveway Repairs and schedule10. October 29, 2019 Bond Vote: public education materialsSelectboard: New Administrative Business ( …

Energy Committee 09-30-2019

Kyle Rogstad

1) Public comment period2) Approve previous meeting minutes:– Monday, July 22nd, 2019 (2019-07-22 17:15)– Monday, August 26th, 2019 (2019-08-26 17:15)4) Enhanced Energy Plan: mapping and new draft Energy Chapter discussion5) Climate emergency declarations6) ButtonUp Campaign7) Other business?8) Confirm next scheduled meeting: October 28th, 2019 (2019-10-28)

Planning Commission 09-10-2019

Kyle Rogstad

1. 7:00PM Convene Planning Commission Meeting2. Election of Temporary Meeting Chair3. Approval of Planning Commission Minutes of August 13, 20194. Pre-Application Consultation with Neil Goodwin5. Meet with Ken Wright re: VCRD 4-town Committee Liaison on affordable housing6. FY20 Municipal Planning Grant Application: re Town Plan Revisions7. Follow-up to meeting with Sharon Energy Committee re: mapping sites for renewableenergy facilities8. TRORC …

Selectboard 09-09-2019

Kyle Rogstad

6:30PM Regular Business:1. Public Comments2. Review/Approve Agenda3. Selectboard Member reports4. Review & Approve Minutes: August 19, September 5, 20195. Approve WarrantsHighways: New Business: Status & Action as Necessary6. 6:30PM Road Foreman Reports7. Paving CIP: continued discussions*• Finance Manager Reports – as needed• Public Information Meeting location update• Review Bond Vote Resolution, Warning, Ballot• Review Proposed bid schedule for FY20-21 highway …

Selectboard 09-05-2019

Kyle Rogstad

1. 5:30PM Convene Meeting2. Status Report – Norwich Technologies Decommissioning Fund (Rte. 132 Solar)(Joe Ronan)3. Work Session: Paving Capital Improvement PlanA. Refine Cost Estimates and schedulesB. Review Public Information/Education Materials re: bond vote Oct. 29C. Review/Update Letter to Legislators4. Baxter Library Driveway Drainage Repairs5. Executive Session (Personnel)6. Adjourn

Selectboard 08-19-2019

Kyle Rogstad

6:30PM Regular Business:1. Public Comments2. Review/Approve Agenda3. Selectboard Member reports4. Review & Approve Minutes: August 5 and August 8, 20195. Approve WarrantsNew Business: Status & Action as Necessary6. 6:30PM Highway Business & Road Foreman Reports7. 7:15PM Mike Tisdale: Cybersecurity – Business Tech BMP’s8. Discuss Old School House Repairs & Maintenance: Andrew Lane9. Consideration of Long-Term Disability Insurance10. Consideration of Proposal …

Development Review Board 08-13-2019

Kyle Rogstad

1. 7:00PM Planning Commission Meeting Call to Order2. Election of Temporary Meeting Chair3. Approval of Planning Commission Minutes of July 9, 20194. Recess Planning Commission Meeting5. 7:15PM Development Review Board: Call to Order (Deliberative Session)Adjourn DRB Meeting6. 7:30PM Reconvene Planning Commission Meeting7. Meet with Sharon Energy Committee re: mapping sites for renewable energy facilities8. FY20 Municipal Planning Grant Application: re …