FY24 Tax Payment Options Form

Nicola Shipman Documents, General Documents, Selectboard

TOWN OF SHARON FY2024 TAX PAYMENT OPTIONS Bills mailed to taxpayers mid-August 2023   Taxes are due on or before 6:00 PM on Due Dates Sept. 13, 2023, and Feb. 14, 2024 Office Hours for Tax Payments M-Th 8:30am -3:30pm, Special Hours 9/13/23 & 2/14/24 8am-6pm. We offer several options for making tax payments and hope one will work well …

Hearing Notice – August 9th

Nicola Shipman

Town of Sharon, VT Public Hearing Notice Sharon Planning Commission   The Sharon Planning Commission will convene a public hearing commencing at 7:00PM Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 to hear comments from interested parties on the following proposed subdivision: Owner/Applicants: Camp Curtis, LLC Subdivision of a portion of Parcel ID R17337R into 2 lots. Lot 1: 50.4+ acres with existing camp …