Effective April 20, 2020 all in-person meetings of town boards and commissions are suspended and through the period of the State of Emergency. During the State of Emergency boards and commissions will meet remotely, and via teleconference or video conferencing with telephonic access. Agendas provide information about electronic and/or dial-in information. The Selectboard meets 1st and 3rd Mondays at 6:30PM; 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 7:30am. The Planning Commission meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM via Zoom, inclusive of telephonic participation. The SPC continues to focus on town plan revisions, and public comments are welcome. The Conservation Commission meets 2nd Mondays, times to be announced. Ryan Haac remains the point of contact for Sharon Energy Committee (thaacr@gmail.com). The SEC meets 4th Mondays, usually at 5:15PM. Ryan has also been appointed the Town’s liaison to the committee overseeing creation of a Regional Energy Coordinator position. If you wish to contact Sharon Rec Committee, please email sharonrecdept@gmail.com or follow Sharon (VT) Recreation Department on Facebook.