Notice of Public Hearing

Nicola Shipman

Sharon Selectboard
Notice of Public Hearing
On the draft Flood Hazard Area Bylaw for the Town of Sharon, Vermont
April 7, 2025 at 6:30PM at 15 School Street, Sharon, VT


  • The Sharon Selectboard will hold a public hearing on the draft Flood Hazard Area Bylaw for the Town of Sharon, Vermont on April 7, 2025 at 6:30PM at the Town Offices of Sharon located at 15 School Street, Sharon, VT 05065. There will also be a zoom option available. See the zoom information below. The proposed draft covers the FEMA mapped flood hazard areas and the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources mapped River Corridor (Fluvial Erosion Hazard) areas. The purpose of this hearing is for the Selectboard to take comments from the public on draft changes to the Flood Hazard Area Bylaw, specifically changes to Section 6.7 Nonconforming Structures and Uses. The proposed changes will replace the existing language in Section 6.7 of the current bylaw. The purpose of the bylaw is to reduce the impacts of flooding to the Town of Sharon and to further the purposes of the Town Plan and 24 VSA section 4302. Copies of the draft changes can be found at the Town Clerk’s office during business hours or on the town website at:    .  Comments may also be mailed to the attention of the Selectboard at PO Box 250, Sharon VT 05065, or by email at


General Sections of the proposed Regulations are:
  1. Statutory Authorization and Effect
  2. Statement of Purpose
  3. Other Provisions
  4. Lands to Which These Regulations Apply
  5. Summary Table: Development Review in Hazard Areas
  6. Development Review in Hazard Areas
  7. Development Standards
  8. Administration
  9. Certificate of Occupancy
  10. Enforcement and Penalties
  11. Definitions


Town of Sharon Selectboard


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