Selectboard 09-18-2023
SEPTEMBER 18th, 2023 6:30PM
Town Offices Conference Room / Zoom
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+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 878 2685 3545
Passcode: 706799
- Call to Order
- Review/Approve Agenda
- Public Comments
- Selectboard Member Reports [5]
- Finance Manager Reports: Lucy Pierpont [5]
- Road Foreman Reports: Frank Rogers [5]
- Selectboard Assistant Reports: Nicola Shipman [5]
- Review Minutes: Sept. 6th, 2023 [5]
- Warrants [5]
- Petition for Access to Town ROW: GMP Representative Tim Jones [15]
Hear petition from GMP with regards to accessing the Town Highway Right of Way for GMP infrastructure installation; Action as needed
- Act 250 Permitting Requirements for Removal of Poles on Route 132: Tim Jones [15]
Receive update from GMP regarding status of Act 250 compliance regarding pole removal on Route 132; action as needed
- Private Road Name Request [5]
Review Letter submitted by E911 Coordinator Galen Mudget; entertain a motion to approve request for Private Road Name
- Fuss & O’Neill Scoping Study Contract [5]
Entertain a motion to authorize signature of the Agreement for Consultant Engineering Services between the Town of Sharon and Fuss & O’Neill, Inc. with the maximum limiting amount defined as $48,411.00, $38,728.80 of which shall be reimbursable through the TAP Scoping Study Grant Funding and $9,682.20 shall be paid from the Town’s ARPA funding.
- Sharon 4720DR_02 Bid Award for Repairs to Quimby Mountain Road [10]
Entertain a motion to award and sign a contract for Quimby Mountain Road FEMA PA Eligible repairs due to damage sustained during July 10th flooding
- Salt Contract: Frank Rogers and Lucy Pierpont [5]
Entertain a motion to sign a salt contract with Cargill for the period August 30th, 2023 – May 1st, 2024 with Cargill the price set at $86.50 per ton
- Paving Bids: Frank Rogers and Nicola Shipman [5]
Review bids; entertain a motion to award and sign a contract for Route 132 FHWA ER Eligible Paving Repairs due to damage sustained during July 10th flooding
- Executive Session for the Purposes of Receiving Legal Counsel [15]
Should the body 1) first find that premature public knowledge would place the municipality at a substantial disadvantage, then 2) it may choose to entertain a motion to enter executive session per 1 V.S.A. § 313(a)(1) for the purposes of receiving confidential attorney-client communications made for the purpose of providing professional legal services to the body.
- ARPA Funding as needed
- Other business
- Adjourn
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